For the past six months I've been miserable. I've hung around Worlidge terminal, fixing vending machines for enough credits to pay for the vent space where I keep my sleeping bag, scavenging the odd sandwich here and there and just carrying out a fairly secure but boring existence inside this vast rotating tin can.
What the hell happened to me? I used to travel. I used to trade. I used to fight, damn it! My Cobra sits rusting in long-term storage. Every so often I'l go and sit inside her, feel the controls, close my eyes and remember the glory days. Why the hell did I give that up? Rhetorical question, of course. I know exactly why. Seeing your friend's life support fail and his ship implode when you're just metres from rescuing him can have a lasting effect.
But I've been thinking about that. Would he have wanted me to sit around wasting away on a coriolis out in the back end of Federation space? The more I think about it, the more I don't want to admit it. He would wnt me to be out travelling. I only ventured out in the Cobra once. One sortie. He'd be shouting at me if he was here. "What's the point in dropping half a mil on a ship to just have it sit there and do nothing?" he'd say. I can hear his voice saying it.
I'm sick of this place. I'm sick of the stale air and the taste of oil in the water. I'm sick of watching a thousand ships a day fly in and drop their cargo, or pick up passengers, before heading out into the unknown to places I've only dreamed. I'm sick of this consuming weakness I have which prevents me from just getting out there and exploring, and to hell with the risks.
So why the hell am I still here? I've got a ship. It's a decent ship. It's got guns. Not the best guns, sure, but I can defend myself. It's got cargo space. I've got a thousand credits saved up. I shouldn't be here fixing vending machines. I should be out there travelling, trading, seeing the universe. I should BE someone.
That's it. I've decided. This is the last vending machine I fix. There's a post on the bulletin board asking for a courier to take a data package to Potriti. 10 grand reward. I can do that. If I pick up some cargo I can make a bit on the side too. Once I get to Potriti I'll see who else needs my services. I don't know where I'll end up. But I do know one thing.
I'm never coming back here.
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